Ted Baker KSA

6 Reasons Why Women Rule US Social Media

There seems to be a correlation between social media and your gender — and women actually dominate the online world!

In fact, during peak hours, almost 76% of online users who do Facebook are actually women, and that they update their statuses on Twitter and Instagram way more often than men. This is an interesting figure to consider, and is probably why a lot of brands appeal or target women when it comes to their online marketing campaign. And you can see it all here in the infographic below:

ShoesandDrama.com | 6 Reasons Why Women Rule US Social Media

Other things that you will also find:

  • Women like discovering new things in lifestyle sites like Pinterest.
  • They are also more expressive when it comes to their thoughts as seen in the number of female users in Tumblr.
  • A good number of women find information on current affairs and various topics through online news.
  • When it comes to career sites however, men tend to browse more.


