By Marriam Mossalli on Cash & Rocket
I have some fantastic news for those of you who have been following my journey over the last few weeks in my effort to attain a driving license in Saudi Arabia; the last country in the world to prohibit women to drive motor vehicles.
I am so pleased to let you know of my success!
First off, I’d like to thank my baba, without which none of this would be possible, but I’ll get back to my family.
I’d next like to thank the small Indian guy who didn’t speak a word of Arabic or English and somehow managed–with very minimal effort on his part, to make me look like an ominous terrorist in my passport picture. I’d like to not thank his assistant, who kept trying to photoshop my face into a textureless beige oval, thinking that would make me look better.
Cash & Rocket ( @CashAndRocket )
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