On Friday afternoon, fans of Kylie Jenner and her various entrepreneurial ventures were given a sneak peek at the 18-year-old’s upcoming collection and ad campaign for Puma, thanks to some clips posted to her popular Snapchat account. Fast-forward to Sunday — which much of the world considers to be the day of rest — and Jenner took to her remaining social media channels, Instagram and Twitter, to unveil the first official ad for the Puma Fierce sneaker, which she describes as “a lightweight trainer with zero excuses.”
Using the dedicated hashtag #ForeverFierce, the youngest member of the Kardashian/Jenner/West clan will likely build impressive buzz leading up to the shoe’s launch date of Apr. 1, when it will hit Puma’s retail stores and website, as well as a selection of retailers worldwide. Considering how Jenner’s Lip Kits sell out in a matter of seconds and her undeniable influence among her legions of global fans, we suggest getting a serious game plan in action if you’re hoping to get your hands on a pair of her kicks before marked-up eBay stock is your only option. But the jury’s still out on whether this drop will be nearly as frenzied as her brother-in-law’s new Yeezy releases. Nothing like a little family competition, right?
On Friday afternoon, fans of Kylie Jenner and her various entrepreneurial ventures were given a sneak peek at the 18-year-old’s upcoming collection and ad campaign for Puma, thanks to some clips posted to her popular Snapchat account. Fast-forward to Sunday — which much of the world considers to be the day of rest — and Jenner took to her remaining social media channels, Instagram and Twitter, to unveil the first official ad for the Puma Fierce sneaker, which she describes as “a lightweight trainer with zero excuses.”
Using the dedicated hashtag #ForeverFierce, the youngest member of the Kardashian/Jenner/West clan will likely build impressive buzz leading up to the shoe’s launch date of Apr. 1, when it will hit Puma’s retail stores and website, as well as a selection of retailers worldwide. Considering how Jenner’s Lip Kits sell out in a matter of seconds and her undeniable influence among her legions of global fans, we suggest getting a serious game plan in action if you’re hoping to get your hands on a pair of her kicks before marked-up eBay stock is your only option. But the jury’s still out on whether this drop will be nearly as frenzied as her brother-in-law’s new Yeezy releases. Nothing like a little family competition, right?