Mixed Patterns - ShoesandDrama.com
Ted Baker KSA

Mixed Patterns


Patterns on patterns on patterns. Want something to liven up your summers dress code?  Patterns, people. Although we used to scorn patterns on patterns,these past few season have reversed the long held rule: put those stripes on florals prints- as long as you follow the guidelines below…

shoes and drama | Mixed Patterns

1. In the beginning experiment with black and white

Finding the write way to mix patterns can be tricky for sure. The best way to start off is mixing up black and white patterns.  Pairing black and white patterns is for the novice pattern pairer. Of course black and white make everything look inherently sexy and sophisticated.


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2.  One color should rule them all

You can also pair two different patterns with the same color. as you can see the omnipresent white harmonizes the different patterns.


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3.  Same patterns

So when it comes to mixing color schemes with patterns, the best way is to use the same pattern, but in different, complementary colors.


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4. Accessorize

Have fun with your accessories; if you’re wary about mixing colors, trying mixing patterns. Start with wearing a floral scarf, and add a striped bag.


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5. Treat stripes as the neutral pattern

With stripes, don’t worry about them not working with other patterns. When in doubt, mix stripes with any pattern. It’s guaranteed to work. Carte blanche.


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6. Polka dot and Stripes the perfect pair!

This pair of patterns always work together


